Getting Started with Proxmox

Updating and configuring the Proxmox installation in our Home Lab!

Harish Thangadurai
5 min readSep 13, 2023

In our previous article, we embarked on an exciting journey into the world of Home Labs. We explored the concept of Virtualization and installed Proxmox VE on our system. We took the initial steps and strongly laid the foundation for our very first Home Lab.

Today we’re back to continue our exploration and move forward in setting up our Home Lab.

Now hop back into our Proxmox Login by typing in the IP:8006 which we configured in our previous article. Upon typing the same, a login page should show up similar to the below image.

Type in your password and click on the “Login” button. Now we have successfully logged in to our Proxmox Environment. Upon login, we will see a pop-up stating that there is no valid subscription. It is not much of an issue. In the upcoming steps, we will be removing this annoying pop-up that shows up during each login.

Image source from JW TECH TIPS

Though Proxmox is open source and community-supported, there is a paid version available for the same. Upon installation, by default, the enterprise repository will be active. As a result, we won’t be able to update Proxmox using the enterprise repository. But with a few clicks, we will be able to change the repository from enterprise to no subscription.

Steps to update Proxmox:

  • Since we have already logged in to Proxmox, click on the name that we gave to our proxmox during installation. Now select the ‘Repositories’ option below the ‘Updates’.
Image source from JW TECH TIPS
  • Now check the enterprise repo and click on the ‘Disable’ button.
Image source from JW TECH TIPS
  • We have disabled the enterprise repo. In order to receive updates we need to enable the no subscription repo. Now click on the ‘Add’ button. In the screen that appears, we need to select the ‘No-Subscription’ repo and click on the ‘Add’ button.
Image source from JW TECH TIPS
  • Now we have successfully disabled the enterprise repo and enabled the no subscription repo. Our Proxmox is now ready to update. Now click on the ‘Updates’ option.
  • We might see the no valid subscription pop-up again. Simply ignore it as of now. We’ll be removing the pop-up in a few minutes. Now in order to update, click on the ‘Upgrade’ button in the Proxmox VE. A new window will open showing the size required for the update and asking for a prompt. Press ‘Y’ on the keyboard and hit enter to proceed with the updates.
  • The system will proceed to download the updates from the no subscription repo which we added and start with the installation of the same. It would take a few minutes to complete depending upon the update size and our network connectivity. Upon completion, we can close the new window that opened. Now our Proxmox has been successfully updated which we can confirm just by clicking on the ‘Refresh’ button.

We have successfully updated our Proxmox VE. But still, we haven’t removed the annoying no valid subscription pop-up that appears on each login. We can remove the same by following the below steps.

Steps to remove the pop-up:

  • Click on the ‘Shell’ option and a console will appear.
  • Now type in the below command and hit enter.
sed -Ezi.bak "s/(\(\{\s+title: gettext\('No valid sub)/void\(\{ \/\/\1/g" /usr/share/javascript/proxmox-widget-toolkit/proxmoxlib.js && systemctl restart pveproxy.service
  • The Proxmox User Interface service would reload. As a result, the webpage would appear to be stuck. Just hit reload on the webpage and all would return to normal. Also, the annoying pop-up has also been removed which we can confirm by just logging out and logging in again.
  • Reboot the server once by clicking on the ‘Reboot’ button on the top right corner as the server has been updated.

Note: There are chances for the no valid subscription pop-up to appear if we update our server again. If the pop-up appears then we might have to re-run the command again in order to remove the pop-up.

Awesome! Today we have successfully enabled the updates for our Proxmox server and have updated it as well. Also, we have removed the annoying no valid subscription pop-up that used to appear on each login.

We have taken another step towards shaping our Home Lab in a better way. In the next article, we’ll be diving into the services and start hosting them one by one for the first time on our server!🤩

Happy Homelabbing!!!



Harish Thangadurai
Harish Thangadurai

Written by Harish Thangadurai

👨‍💻 Automation Engineer | 🌍Tech Explorer | 🧠 Lifelong Learner

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